( +0086 ) 181-2475-6819



Mon to Fri 09:00 – 17:30 PST

Amazon FBA Prep & Products Inspection Services

You must follow Amazon’s requirements for your goods Before shipment to Amazon warehousees. First of all, you need to prepare for the product: Product Inspection,Product Testing,FNSKU Labels,Sold as a Set Labels,Suffocation Labels and Carton Labels.We can do these steps for you and your best partner in China.Welcome to work with us.

Product Inspection

We can check the products and send pictures for your final confirmation before shipment.

Product Testing

We can do the Product testing according to your requests.Make sure each one is working properly before shipping.

FNSKU Labels

The FNSKU label is mandatory. Need to Make sure that each product has a FNSKU label on it before shipment.

Sold as a Set Labels

Must be marked as sets on the packaging. Add a label(Sold as a set) to your package.

Suffocation Labels

Poly bags with a 5″ opening or larger are required to have a suffocation warning, either printed on the bag itself or attached as a label.

Carton Labels

Each box or pallet that you ship to an Amazon fulfillment center must be properly identified with a shipment label.

Why Choose Us

We have already served thousands of Amazon sellers.We are very experienced in Amazon steps and make sure that all of steps to be done according to Amazon’s requirements before shipment.We are your trusted Amazon FBA Partner In China and ONE-Stop Services.Welcome to work with us.
  • Experience

    Have served thousands of Amazon sellers already .

  • Save Your Time

    Get all feedbacks from 24 hourss according to your requests.

  • Save Your Money

    Lowest costs with good quality for you and lets you make more profits.

  • Good Services

    100% Satisfaction and Make you happy is our goal.

  • Fast Response

    You will get all of your requests within 24 hours and give some comparation list for you .

  • Trust

    Free to sourcing goods for you in China and deliver your reqeusts on time.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Contact Us

Usually, you will get reply within 24 Hours after you contacted us. Any information from you is warmly welcome.Please do not hesitate to contact us!


We’d love to hear from you and let us work together.

( +0086 ) 181-2475-6819

Mon to Fri 09:00 - 17:30 PST

6th Floor, Building A17, 4th District, Huai De Cuigang Industrial Park, Fuyong, Baoan District, Shenzhen,China
